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Beacon for change

Change is part of everybody’s life. In yourself, and in the world around you. The art of life is to adapt, by going with the flow, by offering resistance, or by giving direction to, or leading the change yourself.


In organizations, the rate of change is even higher, due to the many internal and external factors. In my experience, people are generally willing to contribute to change, as long as they are involved in the decision making, and can share their ideas.


For change, I use five elements: to be – to want – to be able – to dare – to do, which apply on both a personal and organizational scale. Any of the elements can be a barrier, but when the five elements are in balance, change becomes challenging and pleasant to do.

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Coaching is based on reflection. Despite the hectic pace of life and the pressure of your work, reflect on what you stand for and what you would like to do, deep down in your heart. It often helps to say the problems and your desires out loud, making them more concrete and giving you a different perspective. The first step to tangible solutions.


As a coach, I will therefore ask questions. About your inspiration and motivation, but also about every day’s reality and the themes you struggle with. About known and undiscovered motives and talents. About your courage and strengths, but also what holds you back. The result is a better understanding, which stimulates development.


A coaching trajectory starts with a no-obligation telephone intake of 20 minutes, in which we discuss your questions and expectations. Usually a coaching trajectory consists of 3 to 5 sessions of 1 to 1.5 hours, sometimes one meeting is sufficient. I am a member of the ICF and work according to their ethical code of conduct.

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Sometimes you need someone who thinks along with you, but who dares to disagree. Syntys integrates thesis and antithesis into a synthesis, a strategic plan in which the ideas and feelings that exist in the organization - for and against - are weighed and included. The result is a plan that strengthens ambition, courage and willingness to take action.

My expertise lies in three fields of advice: organizational strategy, implementation and organization, and improving sustainability. My approach is structured, it starts with a thorough internal and external analysis, and ends with a number of strategic alternatives, from which a choice can be made.


Ultimately, the power of plans and strategy lies in their implementation. That is why, in addition to a concrete and practical action plan, the capabilities of the organization are examined. Where necessary, people can be coached or trained. Consulting can also be combined with temporary Change Management.

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Change Management
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Change management is a profession in itself. In addition to coaching and consulting, Syntys can provide or supplement the management for an interim period. A mixture of interim management with coaching of the Management Team is also possible. My approach is to provide space for alternative ideas and to strengthen synergy and cooperation.


Interim management is especially useful for complex problems, for example, when the strategy needs to be adjusted. Also, a desire often arises to improve the sustainability of the organisation. I can realize that as a program manager. I have good experience using the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN to determine the focus.


Finally, Syntys can help to implement the existing or new strategy with more focus and energy, and to organize or improve staffing. The mission is to achieve lasting change, including hard and soft skills and controls. We make clear agreements about goals and objectives in advance.

© 2021 SYNTYS

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